You voted and we listened! Here’s Best of 2018 Episode #3.
In this episode, Dann Van Der Vliet and I dig into family business from the family business center/academic perspective. Dann is the Executive Director of the Smith Family Business Initiative at Cornell University. He tells us about his role and the family business initiative at Cornell, which is fairly unique. There are less than 100 programs in North America focused on family business—especially staggering considering there are close to 4,000 programs on entrepreneurship.
Together, we discuss family business centers and their role as a resource for family businesses; Dann gives us his version of OMFG (ownership, management, governance and family); and we go deep on the link between family business and entrepreneurship.
Connect with Dann on LinkedIn, on Twitter, or check out his blog.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Meet Dann (2:20)
- What is a family business center? (3:38)
- The importance of peer-to-peer learning (5:26)
- Dann’s version of OMFG (8:16)
- Tools for good governance (13:58)
- Family business and wealth in the spotlight (20:38)
- Next Gen impact and family business (25:10)
- Family business and entrepreneurism (30:53)
- Using entrepreneurism as a teaching ground (35:45)
- Leveraging networks (39:27)
- How to find Dann (44:06)
- Bonus questions (47:38)
Notable & Quotable:
As society moves ever faster, there’s a feeling that we’re becoming less connected. Family businesses fly in the face of that. They are a constant in our communities. They have the corner market on trust and familiarity. —Daniel Van Der Vliet #successfulgenerations #familybusiness
Family businesses create wealth, and often because of their family values, they create a philanthropic vehicle. —Ellie Frey Zagel #successfulgenerations #familybusiness #philanthropy
Sometimes a simple conversation can save a family (and the family business). —Ellie Frey Zagel
Family businesses are not just the corner stores in your neighborhood. They drive innovation globally and tend to be a great place for creating new ideas and nurturing the next generation. —Daniel Van Der Vliet #successfulgenerations #familybusiness
Guest Bio
Daniel G. Van Der Vliet is the Executive Director of the Smith Family Business Initiative at Cornell University. He is a 2010 graduate of the Master of Education Interdisciplinary Studies program at the University of Vermont and a 2001 graduate of the University of Vermont with a B.S. in Natural Resources. As Director of The Family Business Initiative at UVM from 2003 through 2014, Dann worked with owners and their successors to find solutions that worked for both family and business. He designed and developed the Leading and Managing the Family and Closely Held Business course at the University of Vermont. In January of 2013, he was part of the team that launched and funded first ever Global Family Enterprise Case Competition with 16 teams from 9 countries.
Previously, as Director of the Vermont Business Center from 2004-2008, Dann oversaw the launch and growth of the executive education curriculum and management development seminars at UVM in addition to establishing custom training opportunities offered by the University of Vermont School of Business. Dann currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Green Mountain Club, and has served on the Board of Directors for the Family Enterprise Research Conference, the Board of Advisors for the Family Business Wiki, the Board of Corporators for the Northfield Savings Bank, the Board of Trustees for the Birds of Vermont Museum, is the co-founder of the Vermont Gear Swap & Sale and is past President and active member of the Burlington Sunrise Rotary Club.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Smith Family Business Initiative at Cornell
Smith Family Business Initiative Upcoming events
Family Business Blog
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