Do you ever find yourself thinking, ‘It’s time to get serious. I need to up my game’?
If so, what happens next? Does anything happen?
Perhaps you start getting up earlier. You work a little harder. You show up. You “lean in.” You buy the book and actually start reading it.
It lasts for about a week, and then in the blink of an eye, you slip back into business as usual. It requires less effort and is comfortable.
This is the pattern I was in for years. My thought would be ‘I need to get better’ or ‘I can do this on my own.’ I would take action from that mindset, but eventually, I always resorted back to my old ways.
Rinse and repeat.
This pattern was obviously holding me back from my next level of growth and development.
“I was a lone wolf…”
At that time, I thought I could ‘up my game’ on my own. I took a myriad of personality tests, bought all the recommended business books, and followed all the right thought leaders online. I was a lone wolf and saw it as a point of pride that I could figure things out on my own.
Here’s the thing: this strategy worked fine. It took me pretty far, and by many measures, I had success. HOWEVER, I was nowhere NEAR reaching my full potential, and definitely not even close to achieving my BHAGS or dream life. That’s where I was stuck.
This “Lone Wolf” mindset also help cause my burn out. So overall, not a great strategy.
Decide to Do Something Different
I had to try something different, learn to be someone who achieved her BHAG goals. Not the person who almost achieved her goals or the person who just thought about her goals.
For me, the rubber hit the road when I hired coaches, and when I became a certified coach myself.
My life coach and my business coach kick my ass regularly. But, once I started really listening to them (something else I tried differently), everything changed.
The results?
- My business took off. It was that simple. I decided to do something different, and my business quadrupled in size in less than three months.
- I began to feel stronger and more confident.
- I started coaching my own clients even more powerfully, and as a result, they started getting even greater results. Today, my clients are having major breakthroughs, and it’s incredibly exciting!
There is a reason high achieving leaders talk about mentorship and coaching. We cannot (and should not, in my opinion) go it alone. Here’s why. When you’re alone, there is:
- No one to challenge you
- No one to hold you accountable
- No one to help you see your blind spots
- No one to be a sounding board for things you are thinking
- No one to be a role model for you, to inspire you when times are tough (and they do get tough)
As I do these things for my clients and I see them making big gains, I know this is my WHY. This is why I endure the ass-kicking from my own coaches. When I up my leadership development game, EVERYONE WINS.
And I love it. Even when I feel like crying in frustration. Even when I want to avoid my coach. Even when I’m helping a client through an extraordinarily tough time. I love it because I know that through it all, I am growing into the person I am meant to be, and my clients are doing the same.
Join Me!
If you are ready to up your game, I can help you break the pattern of “going it alone.” Is it easy? No. Is it possible? Absolutely! I am with you every step of the way. Sign up for a free coaching call today.