At a conference last year dedicated to goal getting, Michael Hyatt said that of 200 million Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, fewer than 50% stick with it after 6 months, and only 8% are actually successful. He went on to share that most people make the same resolution 10 years in a row without success. (Yep, been there).
Are you ready to beat this statistic? In this episode, Ellie shares her experience with goal setting and the process she began following to finally break the cycle.
Are you ready to finally achieve the goals you’ve been setting for yourself year after year? Listen in to hear Ellie’s 12-step process to get you on the path to checking those goals off the list. Make 2019 the year you did it!
Notable & Quotable:
You have to change to reach your goals. You can’t be or do the same things and expect different results. When you reach your goals, you are going to be a different person than you are today. —Ellie Frey Zagel #successfulgenerations
Resources from this episode:
Successful Generations 12 Steps to Achieving Your Goals
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