The newest pillar of service offered by Successful Generations is Executive Coaching. In this week’s episode, Ellie talks about the journey that led her to become a certified coach. She candidly shares issues she’s encountered as the next generation of her family’s business, and describes how her experiences have been validated by friends and peers from the family business world who are working to fill the shoes of the leaders who came before them, while simultaneously figuring out how to be their own person. As Ellie said, “We often feel like our goals and vision are set out for us by family or the family business. It can sometimes feel like your living someone else’s life.”
Through coaching, Ellie aims to help rising generation leaders set their own path for success. What’s your vision for your life? What are your goals? Are you the one standing in your own way of achieving them? How can you change this? The model Ellie uses in coaching helps you identify the roadblocks between you and your goals, and takes you through a process to retrain your brain to help you get what you want.
Here’s a testimonial from one of Ellie’s recent coaching clients:
“Ellie had this natural ability to easily draw me into conversation, parse out the opportunities to work on and then start coaching based on those opportunities. I found that being able to recognize and then interrupt my well-worn thought patterns with new thoughts required significant effort, but Ellie led me through a new mental model, walked beside me with encouragement, and is helping me become a confident and formidable force within my company.” —Ryan, Michigan
If you’re a high achieving executive or community leader who’s ready to reclaim your life and achieve big audacious goals, check out SG Executive Coaching and sign up for a free 30-minute session to see if coaching is right for you.
Notable & Quotable:
Many of us in the rising generation feel the need to be perfect; to be a chip off the old block. This pressure can lead to stress, overwhelm, burnout, poor work-life balance, and even panic attacks and other health issues. —Ellie Frey Zagel #successfulgenerations #SGexecutivecoaching
I’m excited to be growing into the person that I was meant to be. It can be a little messy and painful, but any good leadership development program is, especially when you are getting to the core of who you are. It’s awesome! —Ellie Frey Zagel #successfulgenerations #SGexecutivecoaching
Being my own person has made me more effective at the boardroom table. —Ellie Frey Zagel #successfulgenerations #SGexecutivecoaching
We often feel like our goals and vision are set out for us by our family or the family business. It can sometimes feel like your living someone else’s life. —Ellie Frey Zagel #successfulgenerations #SGexecutivecoaching
Resources mentioned in this episode:
SG Episode 003: Leadership, Wellness, and Concierge Medicine with Dr. Bill Baer
SG Episode 009: Stress Management and Holistic Health with Cynthia Damaskos
SG Episode 016: Power20—Reframing Limiting Beliefs
SG Episode 023: Leadership Development and Agility with Greg McCann
SG Episode 030: Holisitic Weight Management with Cynthia Damaskos
SG Episode 033: Trapped in the Family Business with Dr. Michael Klein, part 1
SG Episode 034: Trapped in the Family Business with Dr. Michael Klein, part 2
SG Episode 037: Making Your Mark on the Family Business with Cara Mackay, 2nd Generation
Brooke Castillo – The Life Coach School
Family Business Consulting Group
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