In her role as a leadership coach, Ellie noticed that she fairly consistently received calls and messages from her clients around the morning commute …
REPLAY: My Summertime Pause, Reflect & Connect Challenge
We live in the age of busy. (Did you catch my recent blog post on The Badge of Busyness?) Think of all the times you ask friends how they’re doing. …
Episode 067: Helping Families Heal From Addiction with Arden O’Connor
In this episode, Ellie Frey Zagel and Arden O'Connor talk about addiction and its impact on families. Arden grew up in a family business and is the …
Episode 056: Strategies for Reducing Stress in the Workplace with Alisa Craig
In this episode, Ellie and Alisa Craig, Administrator of Wellness & Population Health with Hurley Medical Center dive into stress in the …
Episode 047: Power20—Combating Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk does not help us achieve our goals, yet I hear it all the time in my work with my coaching clients and from my peers who are fellow …
Episode 041: An Action Plan for Mental Health with Christy Buck
So often when we talk about our health and wellness we focus on our physical bodies. We talk about things like diet and exercise. In this episode, …
Bonus Episode: Power20—My Reflect and Connect Challenge
We live in the age of busy. Think of all the times you ask friends how they’re doing. I bet more times than not in return you hear, “I’m so busy.” We …
Episode 030: Holistic Weight Management with Cynthia Damaskos
The number on the scale, and whether it needs to go up or down, weighs heavily in the minds of many. In this episode, Cynthia Damakos, Certified …
Episode 027: The Power of Mindset with Dr. Nancy Jonker
Mindset, also referred to as buoyancy or resiliency, speaks to our ability to bounce back. This week’s guest, Dr. Nancy Jonker explains it as, “an …
Episode 024: Pump It Up! Strength Training and Leadership with Nick Klein
Blog Post: Pump It Up! Why Strength Training is Essential to the Success of Your Health Plan with Nick Klein Strength training and leadership …